aHorta Bike Container House&Office&Cafe&Garden – Brazil

Hi everybody

Today we will show you shipping container house from Brazil.

Horta Café, a project by architects Mônica Morto and Fernanda Morishita, uses five recycled containers adapted to house multiple activities – coffee, vegetable garden, workshop, office and even a room for travelers.

A special place in Curitiba aggregates a range of activities within five charming recycled and adapted containers, open to the street and the community garden in the back. Far beyond the beautiful design elaborated by Locus Arquitetura – by architects Mônica Moro and Fernanda Morishita – aHorta Café is a celebration of friendship and a much needed sense of community in contemporary cities.

In addition to the coffee shop, workshop and vegetable garden, there was the office space, a space for lectures and classes (yoga and courses) and a residence for one of the partners. Still, there is still room for the ‘Traveler’s Room’, a support for adventurous cyclists staying overnight in the city. This multifaceted combination has given the place a personality that conveys human wealth.

Container construction technology has highlighted this mark, but this system was chosen primarily because of its sustainability and speed of execution. The garden was set up a year before construction. With the help of neighbors, the soil has been cultivated and is cared for by all to this day.

Access to the land is free, without railings or gates. This made the place special because it created, even before coffee came, a connection of affection between the neighborhood and the land.

Living in a Container explores projects made with shipping containers around the world and shares them for you.
Don’t forget to take a look at the structures made with other amazing shipping containers on our site!

See also  2-Bed 2-Bath Tiny Shipping Container Home

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Source : Casasul

One Response

  1. Abel Arellano December 28, 2019

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