Claudie Dubreuil’s Shipping Container Home – Canada

Hi everybody

We continue to discover for you. Our container house on today’s tour is from Sainte-Adèle, Quebec, Canada.

Standard timber houses and villas are a good job for a builder, providing a steady income for Claudie Dubreduil, a general contractor in Mirabel, Quebec who owns Les Collections Dubreduil. But she says this kind of work offers almost no room for creative implementation, due to the limited budget requirements and the average design.

So when it came time to design her own home, Claudie was determined to do something different and fun. Building a house from four metal shipping containers met all the requirements.

Claudie Dubreuil, a Canadian general contractor in Mirabel, Quebec, turned 4, 40′ shipping containers into a timber clad, contemporary and somewhat eclectic 3 bedroom home.

While it was an exciting proposition, she had a her fair share of challenges especially finding an engineering firm that could cut the shipping containers and install windows and doors (she got rejected by 4 different firms). She did, however, find it easy purchasing the containers which cost between $2,800 – $3,200 (Canadian).


Location: Sainte-Adèle, Quebec, Canada
Client: Claudie Dubreuil
Size: 178 sq m
Cost: Canadian $350,000 – $400,000, including lot, excavation, labor and materials
Team: TLA architectes; engineer: NCK

For even more images and details including floor plans and drawings, you should see this publication by shipping container homes.


Living in a Container explores projects made with shipping containers around the world and shares them for you.
Don’t forget to take a look at the structures made with other amazing shipping containers on our site!

See also  Transforming a Shipping Container into a Stylish Poolside Bar

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One Response

  1. Willy March 13, 2022

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