Have You Ever Seen a Container Home in a Desert ?

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We continue to discover for you. Our container house on today’s tour is from, Twentynine Palms, California USA.

Containers are specifically used in the construction of homes these days. No doubt, these are also used to export goods from one place to other. Like, from one country to another country. Reason is this, these are very hard. Very resilient in nature. These are reliable and durable.

It was not easy to shift from concrete material to shipping containers for the construction of the home. But people believe in shipping containers. Containers used in transporting goods are reformed for the construction of the home.

Have you ever seen a container home in a desert ?

Yes, this is reality. Main beauty of shipping containers homes is this that these are used in construction of homes at difficult places. The home which is going to be discussed is located in a desert. Yup, a desert is a home area. But nature lover ignores this. Air conditioners are being set in container home. It makes living at such places, very comfortable. Thermoregulation of a container home is mandatory. So, it becomes important to take care of each step in constructing a living area.

Shipping container home is a desert under blue sky

This container home is a guest house basically. One who will go to visit this desert, can stay here. This is painted yellow. This paint color looks beautiful in a desert location. It makes the home prominent. Three shipping containers have been used in its construction. Two are of 20 feet and one is of 40 feet. The containers are set in this way that small containers lies on the ground floor and large container is set on small container. The large container looks long because it is placed straight.

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Portions of this living area

  • Two bedrooms
  • One bathroom
  • One kitchen
  • One living room
  • Porch
  • Two terraces
  • Dining table
  • Hammock
  • Swimming tubs

These all are parts of this area. This area has many small portions. It looks like it has all facilities with extra things. Guests can stay here without any tension. Everything is available.

Description of parts separately

Two bedrooms are located on upper floor. These have beds and windows. Closets are fixed. Interior is painted white. Curtains are hanged. These are small but nice. This is comfortable area for a small family. They can stay here without any hindrance.

The bathroom is constructed with tiles. The toilet and showering system is set separately.

Kitchen is well furnished. This has a glass window. Different equipment is placed there. Cabins and shelves are set in kitchen. Refrigerator, stove, sink and microwave are present. The kitchen is also painted white.

Ground floor shipping container

This is set as living room. Sitting sofas and LED are set. This provides an entertaining environment. The home has all facilities. No electricity issues. The lights are fixed in ceiling. Modern lights have been used in construction. These enlighten the home in evening. This home is unique in its location as well as its architectural structure. As a big container lies on a small container which gives entirely a different look to the home.

Porch and hammocks

These are set in a very unique way. This site has eight hammocks. The porch area is actually wide. It has a sitting sofa. The dining table is set there. This area has utter look. The swimming tubs are present in outer veranda. This is blue colored tub.

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Windows are made of glass material. These are set beautifully. Small as well as large windows are designed. Use of glass material along with steel shipping containers is really cool. It increases the winsomeness of the house.

Terraces are in front of each bedroom. Glass windows open and terraces are there. Terrace is one of the enjoyable sites. The terrace is site where evening coffee can be enjoyed in morning. The trees are around the house. The area is hot but air conditioners are supplied in the home.

Containers are best material for the construction of the home.

Well, selection of any thing is quite confusing. Some are very choosy in selection. Material which is used in construction of the home, must be reliable. The homes made of shipping containers are really different and durable. There are many benefits of home made of steel shipping containers.

The homes made of steel shipping containers are more beautiful than of concrete material.

Homes made of shipping containers last for 15 years without maintenance and for 25 years with maintenance.

Homes made of shipping containers can be changed according to mood when the owner wants because their architectural structure can be modified.

These are rising in trend because these provide more variety of designing. The market trend has been raised from previous 5 to 7 years. When something proves itself beneficial, then people automatically select it. Same happened with steel shipping containers.

Desert Skybox Container Suite is available to rent via Airbnb.

Related Reading:

Desert Flower Shipping Container Home – USA

See also  How Dennis Trillo Transformed Shipping Containers into a Dream Home

Shipping Container House in the Desert – USA

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