€35,000 Tiny Container House on Coastal Lake from Ireland

Hi everybody

Today we will show you container hostel from Lettermacaward, County Donegal, Ireland.

A luxuriously converted shipping container in its own small coastal lake overlooking Traighenna Bay in Donegal. A luxurious two-person Airbnb home for those who want to experience the wilderness of Donegal.

Container house is just 5 minutes away from Europe’s highest Blue Flag beaches.
With great Atlantic views, this container house literally sits on the water with its location on the coastal lake.

Frank the Shipping Container aroused great interest for ‘glamor’.
Opened in July, the recycled storage unit is located on a coastal lake overlooking Traighenna Bay in Lettermacaward.

This beautiful little container house was built by architectural historian Dr. It was built by Greg Stevenson.
Used for carrying excavators in China, this shipping container has turned into a unique vacation rental after spending €35,000.

If you want to stay in this house to have a nice Airbnb experience in Ireland, you can find the Airbnb page here.


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See also  1000 Sqft Luxury Home Made from 3 Shipping Containers

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