Gorgeous Container House Made of Shipping Containers in Italy

Hi everybody

Today we will show you container house from Sesto al Reghena, Italy.

This cross-plan house in Sesto al Reghena (PN) represents a curious form of prefabrication by assembling eight containers for naval transport.
A private residence in Sesto al Reghena (PN) obtained from the conversion of eight shipping containers for freight transport.

The idea comes from the surveyor Gianluca Cristante from Pordenone, who was inspired by the steel structures of Mies van der Rohe in developing this house with a cross plan. The front is made up of four superimposed volumes – each 12 meters long – and includes the living room and kitchen on the ground floor, bedroom on the first floor.

Behind there are four more containers 6 meters long, which house the service rooms, the stairwell, the bathrooms and the walk-in closet. A last element 12 meters long, maintained in its original flaming red appearance, is located a few meters away from the house and serves as a garage.

To make the windows, a special system was developed in collaboration with the Vicenza-based company Climapac. It consists of an insulated monobloc that is simple and quick to install (and to maintain), which includes the false frame and the roller shutter, and guarantees the energy efficiency of the home. The square cut of the windows is perfectly consistent with the industrial language of this container house.

Project Details

Year of construction: 2019
Location: Sesto al Reghena (PN)
Client: Alberto Bebi
Project: Geom. Gianluca Cristante
Fabricator: Nadalin workshop
Management of the window hole and bins: Climapac

See also  960 Sq Ft, 2-Bedroom Container Home

Source : arketipomagazine


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One Response

  1. Vicky March 23, 2023

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