House Made with the Harmony of Concrete and Shipping Container from Brazil

Hi everybody ?

We continue to discover for you. Our container house on today’s tour is from São Miguel do Oeste, Brazil.

We show you a different container house than Brazil today. Container house was constructed using 2×40 feet reefer shipping containers.

The most striking feature of the house is the concrete wall between the two containers, which increases the usage area.

This wall between the containers and the small roof on it gave the house a very sweet look. Another nice point is the glossy mirrors.

The yellow color of the containers provided a striking atmosphere. But we cannot say the same for the wall. Because if the wall was painted it would be much more beautiful.

The total usage area of the house in the São Miguel do Oeste region of Brazil is 79.16m².

Living in a Container explores projects made with shipping containers around the world and shares them for you.
Don’t forget to take a look at the structures made with other amazing shipping containers on our site!

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See also  2-Bed 2-Bath Tiny Shipping Container Home

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