Japan’s First Container House that has Cleared the Building Standards Act!

Hi everybody

We continue to discover for you. Our container house on today’s tour is from Tokyo, Japan.

A high quality container house made of steel materials to exceed Japan’s strict building standards, providing comfort that cannot be thought of as a container.

TETSUYA IRON HOUSE” two-storey container house built by LFIX in Hachioji, Tokyo, received building approval inspection certificate in July 2015.

Cafe & Bar for the first floor of the container house and housing approval for the second floor. Two 20 feet (14 ㎡) building containers were used on the first floor and a 40 feet (28 ㎡) building container on the second floor. The robust design of two 20-foot containers and one 40-foot container draws attention.

This container house is the first container house in Japan to receive a full building approval in over 19 years.

In fact, containers revolutionized global logistics until they were said to be “one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century.” For now, the impact of the blockchain on the real world will be well below this level.

The size of the container is the same all over the world, and it moves by railways, tankers and trailers across five continents and seven seas. Container house is an application of such a container to architecture.

It is not only a building with a solid atmosphere that makes the most of its appearance, but also a stylish building at the cutting edge of time, depending on the design. Therefore, not only architects from all over the world, but also artists and creators are dependent on container houses.

See also  A Stunning Elevated Shipping Container Home

Eco container house

There are many container homes overseas that reuse normal shipping containers, but in Japan, building container units manufactured using JIS standard steel materials are required under strict building standard law. Of course, the size is the same as the shipping container.

Needless to say, it is desirable that shipping containers can be reused. Because it is made of solid iron, it can last more than 50 years and is easy to design like a Lego block thanks to its square structure. And finally, you have to melt it and refresh it so that there is no garbage left. The last point in terms of ecology.

With it, you can take full advantage of building containers. Legal container houses are insured and regular loans are available.

And its biggest feature is mobility, namely ease of movement and displacement.

A container house with exceptional resistance to disasters such as earthquakes. The “life-saving box” that can be used as a shelter in a clubhouse or garage.

Strength is provided by connecting more than one container with heavy steel frames. One container weighs about 1.6 tons. It is easy to imagine how strong a container is, considering it is stacked in multiple layers.
The hardest structures in the world are a container. If you build a house out of a container, it will not collapse even if there is a landslide. It probably won’t collapse in a major earthquake.

Some people ignore the fact that they are strong against disasters like earthquakes as a business model. That’s not why I run this business, but we think it’s important to survive in the event of a disaster.

See also  Master Tiny Living in a Container Home with These 16 Tips

IRON HOUSE TETSUYA – https://www.ih-tetsuya.com/


Living in a Container explores projects made with shipping containers around the world and shares them for you.
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  1. Robert Day June 7, 2021
  2. Walter Cardoso June 19, 2021

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