Top 5 Must-Read Amazon Books on Designing and Building Your Own Container Home

Container homes have been gaining popularity in recent years as an affordable, sustainable, and versatile housing option. These unique living spaces are created by repurposing shipping containers, which would otherwise sit unused, into comfortable and stylish residential units.

Container homes provide a compact and eco-friendly alternative to traditional construction methods, making them an increasingly attractive choice for many homeowners.

One factor contributing to the appeal of container homes is their relatively low cost, with prices significantly lower than those for comparable traditional homes.

This reduced cost results from using shipping containers as building materials, which are readily available and easy to obtain.

Additionally, the modular nature of container homes means they can easily be expanded or adapted, allowing homeowners the flexibility to tailor their property to their needs.

A critical aspect to consider when planning a container home is the choice of your source material. It’s essential to ensure that the shipping containers used are in good condition, free of rust or structural damage, and have the necessary certifications for residential use.

Furthermore, it’s important to think about the space available, the desired number of rooms, and the ultimate layout of your container home. Customization options can become overwhelming, so having a clear vision is crucial for a successful project.

For those considering embarking on the journey of container home ownership, a high-quality container home book can be an invaluable resource and guide.

These books provide practical advice, inspiration, and expert tips to make your container home dream a reality.

To help you get started, we’ve researched and selected the top container home books to guide you through every step of the design, construction, and customization process.

Top Container Home Books

In the following list, we have compiled our top picks for container home books, showcasing the best design ideas and practical tips for your new home project. Dive in to explore and find the perfect one for you!

1-) Shipping Container Homes for Beginners

Shipping Container Homes for Beginners

An excellent choice for those wanting a comprehensive guide to building and designing an affordable, eco-friendly container home.


  • Easy to understand step-by-step guide
  • Inspirational floor plans and design ideas included
  • Budget and eco-friendly building alternative


  • Only 122 pages – might not cover all aspects in depth
  • English language only
  • Independently published – may lack editorial quality

As we delved into “Shipping Container Homes for Beginners,” we discovered a detailed, step-by-step guide that presented us with practical advice on building our very own shipping container home. We found this book to be extremely accessible, catering to beginners who may have little to no prior knowledge in home construction.

The author has included a variety of inspiring design ideas and floor plans, which helped us grasp the possibilities of what our future container home could look like. Moreover, it became clear that constructing a container home is a budget-friendly alternative to traditional home building methods. Not only did we learn that this approach is more affordable, but it also contributes to a reduced carbon footprint.

However, we noticed that the book’s length, at only 122 pages, might not cover all aspects of container home construction in depth. We also wished that the book was available in more languages, as it is written exclusively in English. Additionally, being independently published, the book may not have benefited from the same editorial quality as those produced by established publishers.

Nonetheless, if you’re passionate about environmentally conscious living and are interested in exploring a unique and financially sensible approach to building your home, “Shipping Container Homes for Beginners” provides a solid starting point. Just keep in mind that you might need to consult additional resources to deepen your understanding of certain aspects of container home construction.

2-) Shipping Container Homes Guide

Shipping Container Homes

We recommend this book for those who want to explore building a sustainable and affordable container home from scratch.


  • Comprehensive step-by-step guide
  • Includes plans, design ideas, and techniques
  • Features extra tips and case study


  • Some printing and formatting issues
  • May not be suitable for experienced builders
  • Black and white illustrations only

We recently got our hands on “SHIPPING CONTAINER HOMES: The Step-By-Step Guide to Building Your Cozy Home From Scratch With Techniques, Plans & Design Ideas for a Sustainable & Affordable Living + Extra Tips & Case Study.” It’s a helpful guide that provides a thorough understanding of the ins and outs of creating a cozy container home. The book covers various techniques, design ideas, plans, and insights to build a sustainable and affordable living space using shipping containers.

From our experience with the book, it offers valuable information for those who might be new to the concept of container homes and looking for a way to save on housing costs. The case study included in the book demonstrates a real-life example of successful container home construction, which can be both inspiring and informative for potential builders.

However, the book does have its shortcomings. Some readers have noted that the quality of the printing and formatting could be better. The book also contains black and white illustrations only, which may not be suitable for those who prefer a more visually engaging guide. Additionally, experienced builders might find the information in this book to be basic and not as useful for their needs.

That said, for someone just starting to explore the world of container homes, “SHIPPING CONTAINER HOMES” is a helpful and informative resource that can guide you through building your dream home while remaining budget-friendly and environmentally conscious.

3-) Shipping Container Homes The Blueprint

Shipping Container Homes Book

A valuable resource for those looking to build their dream container home, but not without its flaws.


  • Comprehensive step-by-step guide
  • Includes plans and design ideas
  • Covers permits and other necessities


  • Some impractical plans
  • Lacks detail in certain areas
  • Limited to 134 pages

Upon reading Shipping Container Homes: The Blueprint to Build Your Sustainable Dream House Exactly the Way You Want It. Including the DIY Techniques You Need Explained Step-by-Step, Plans and Design Ideas, we found it to be an informative and helpful guide for anyone considering building a container home. The thorough step-by-step instructions allow readers to understand the process involved in purchasing, preparing, and constructing a shipping container home.

The book provides a variety of plans and design ideas, which can be particularly useful as a starting point for customizing your dream home. It also discusses the necessary permits and legal requirements for building a container home, ensuring you are well-prepared to navigate the process.

However, we noticed that some of the plans in the book seemed impractical or not well thought out, such as a 3-foot wide kitchen that leaves little room for functionality. Additionally, certain sections lack detail and may require additional research or resources if you are looking for more in-depth information on specific topics.

In conclusion, while Shipping Container Homes: The Blueprint offers valuable insights and a solid foundation for anyone looking to construct a container home, it is not without its shortcomings. Prospective readers should be prepared to supplement this resource with additional information if necessary.

4-) Shipping Container Homes Guide

Shipping Container Homes

A solid resource for beginners looking to build eco-friendly container homes, with helpful plans and techniques.


  • Informative for beginners
  • Eco-friendly focus
  • Includes plans and techniques


  • Poor printing quality
  • Basic and outdated information
  • Limited design variety

The Shipping Container Homes book offers a step-by-step guide for those interested in building eco-friendly homes using shipping containers. As we’ve recently explored this concept, we can share some insightful information about the book’s content and its usability in real-world scenarios.

Upon reading the book, we noticed the focus on environmentally friendly practices, which can be beneficial for those looking to minimize their carbon footprint. The included plans and techniques can guide beginners through the process of building their own container home, which we found helpful in understanding the requirements and challenges of such a project.

However, we did encounter some drawbacks while going through the book. The printing quality is subpar, making it difficult to read some of the pages. Additionally, some of the information presented might feel basic and outdated for those with prior knowledge or experience in container homes. The book could also benefit from featuring a wider variety of designs to cater to diverse preferences and styles.

Overall, the Shipping Container Homes book can be a valuable resource for beginners looking to delve into the world of eco-friendly container homes. Despite its flaws, it offers a solid foundation for those who want to learn the basics and start planning their own sustainable living spaces.

5-) Shipping Container Homes The Updated Guide

Shipping Container Homes Book Cover

We recommend this book for those interested in cost-effective and eco-friendly housing alternatives.


  • Informative and comprehensive guide
  • Real-world examples and success stories
  • Practical tips on zoning and building permits


  • Limited design visuals
  • Not as detailed in certain sections
  • Assumes moderate DIY skills

After reading “Shipping Container Homes: The Updated Guide to Designing, Planning, and Building A Cost-Effective And Environmentally-Friendly Dream Home,” we found it to be an excellent resource for those interested in alternative housing options. The book covers a wide range of topics, from zoning and building permits to budget considerations, providing practical tips and guidance.

Our favorite part of this book is the real-world examples and success stories included throughout. These showcase how shipping container homes have been successfully implemented, offering inspiration for those wanting to pursue this type of housing. Additionally, the frequently asked questions section at the end of the book helps clear up any misconceptions or concerns, further solidifying our understanding of the topic.

However, there are a few drawbacks to consider. One issue we noticed is that the book sometimes lacks visual aids, such as detailed diagrams or images of completed homes. This can make it difficult for those who are more visual learners to fully grasp specific design concepts. Moreover, while most sections are quite comprehensive, a few could use more detail for those looking to delve deeper into the logistics of building a shipping container home.

Lastly, it is important to note that this guide assumes the reader has a moderate level of DIY skills. While the book offers valuable information to get started, some may require additional guidance while undertaking such a project.

Overall, we believe “Shipping Container Homes: The Updated Guide” is a great starting point for anyone looking to explore the possibilities of cost-effective and environmentally-friendly living. While there are a few limitations, the wealth of practical information and real-world examples make this book a valuable resource for those seriously considering container home living.

Buying Guide

When it comes to choosing the perfect container home book, several factors come into play. In this buying guide, we’ll walk you through the main features you should take into consideration before making your final decision. Remember to keep your specific needs and preferences in mind when evaluating these factors.

Key Features


1. Comprehensive Content

A good container home book should cover all the essential aspects of building, designing, and living in a container home. This includes topics such as:

  • Selecting a suitable container
  • Container modifications
  • Interior and exterior design
  • Insulation, plumbing, and electrical systems
  • Building codes and regulations
  • Cost estimation and budgeting

2. Clear and Easy-to-Understand Language

Container home books are meant to be educational resources for both beginners and experienced enthusiasts. Therefore, the language used should be clear, concise, and easy to understand, even for readers with no prior knowledge in this field.

3. Visual Aids

Visual aids such as photographs, diagrams, and illustrations can greatly enhance your learning experience. Look for books that include high-quality, full-color visuals that provide real-life examples, step-by-step instructions, and design inspiration.

4. Practical Advice

The best container home books offer practical advice based on real-world experience. These books should provide guidelines, tips, and best practices that will help you avoid common mistakes and make informed decisions throughout the entire process.

5. Updated Information

Building codes, regulations, material options, and technology in the container home industry are continuously evolving. Make sure the book you choose contains up-to-date information to ensure your project complies with the latest standards and innovations.

Important Considerations

In addition to the key features mentioned above, there are several other factors you should take into account when choosing a container home book:

  • Author’s Experience: Look for authors who have hands-on experience in the container home industry, as they can offer valuable insights and insider knowledge.
  • Reviews and Recommendations: Be sure to read reviews from other readers to gauge the quality and usefulness of the book. Recommendations from friends, family members, or online communities can also be helpful.
  • Format: Consider whether you prefer a physical book or an ebook. Physical books have the advantage of being more tangible and easier to browse, while ebooks can be more affordable and portable.
  • Price: As with any purchase, price is also an important consideration. While the most expensive book isn’t necessarily the best, remember that investing in a high-quality resource can save you money in the long run by helping you avoid costly mistakes and setbacks in your container home project.

Armed with this knowledge, you are well-equipped to make an informed decision when it comes to selecting the perfect container home book. Keep these factors in mind as you weigh your options, and you’ll be well on your way to building your ideal container home.

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