Torch and Timber Container Home

Steel shipping containers are used to construct many buildings. Homes as well as hotels, all can be construed through steel shipping containers. Stepping in a building of steel shipping containers is really a good experience. Enjoying modular living in this modern era is amazing. These steel shipping containers are providing easy housing.

These are used to make buildings in places where construction is totally impossible. That is the reason, people are preferring these. Adventurers want homes at hilly areas. Because they want to stay their. Nature lovers want to spend holidays in deserts or near an ocean. Containers are providing them with this facility.

What is the reason behind popularity of steel shipping containers?

Steel shipping containers are easy to transfer from manufacturing site to construction site. Therefore, it is easy to make a home of steel shipping containers. Different sizes of containers can be used. Small as well as large.

Containers can be used to make small as well as large homes. There is no limitation. It totally depends on choice and budget of the person making a home. These steel shipping containers are also used to transport goods from one area to another. So, these are reformed while using for construction purposes. The upcycling enhances the beauty of home.

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Qualities of steel containers making them irreplaceable

Further, I would like to mention that containers have many qualities. These are reliable and durable. Consumption of time and money is less. The container home at top of hill is an incredible fact. Containers want maintenance to live longer.

Each step in making container home should be taken perfectly. Thermoregulation of containers is done to maintain inner temperature of the home. If home is in cold area, fireplaces should be designed. If it lies in hot environment like desert, air conditioners should be set in the home.

The home which is going to be discussed is located in cold environment. This home is unique in its own way. Home is simple but it is beautiful. As it is attracting all. This model has been designed in 2018.

As use of containers is increasing day by day. People are getting information about the benefits of steel shipping containers. Therefore, they are selecting containers as material for construction.
Container home in Shuswap, BC, Canada.

This home is located in Canada. A cold place. This container home is made of a single shipping container. Container is of size 40 feet. There are two types. Either 20 feet or 40 feet. A 40 feet single shipping container becomes enough for home. This container has painted black. Wood work is done along containers. House is single storey. Area covered by home is 320sq. feet.

Home has all necessary portions for one or two persons

This home is small one for one or maximum two persons. It is designed with all parts which make a home complete. The container home is raised higher than the ground level. Foundation is set stronger. One has to step al few stairs to move into the home.

  • One bedroom
  • One bathroom
  • One living room
  • One kitchen
  • One dining table
  • One balcony
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Home is located at beautiful site. Snow falling occurs in winter. This home gives mesmerizing views during night as lights are golden in color. These enlighten the home in unique way.

Interior of the container house

This home is painted white. Floor is made of wood. Modern accessories are set in this home. Inner look of the house is stylish. In one corner, there is a bedroom. White bed is set. Chair and table are placed. The closet is there. Large window is also set in the wall.

Bathroom is attached to the bedroom. It is made by using white tiles. Toilet is set in bathroom. Shower system is also set. Mirror is hanged on wall. Basin is also there.

Living room has two seating sofas. These are large in size. Dark in color. Cushions are set on them. Comfortable and cozy sofas are making this area a living room. Back wall represents the glass window. This window is giving outer clear view.

Kitchen is well established. White paint is used. The cabins and shelves are painted white. The stove and sink and set in the shelf. It has a front glass window. On the opposite site, there is a table along the wall. Three seating chairs are there along table giving a look of dining table.

Balcony has wooden roof and floor

Roof of balcony is made of wood. This shade extends forward. A few steps are there which are made of wood along with wood railing. Red colored sofa is set in this balcony. Chairs and table are also placed here. Meal can also be enjoyed here.

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Sitting in this area with snow falling scene in cold weather of Canada, is a desire of everyone. So, now this dream can be converted into reality easily. If you want a home at nature attracting site, and you have proper budget, you can use steel shipping containers for construction purposes.

If you’re interested in buying Torch and Timber Container Home, you can check out their Facebook and Airbnb pages.



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If you are interested in structures made with shipping containers, you can find what you want among thousands of container house models. Be aware of the contents by following our Facebook and Pintereset accounts.

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